Hobas Pipe was selected for the Pine Street project designed to address water supply issues in the events of flooding in Beaumont communities. The project is in response to water supply issues that resulted from the breach of a pumping station during Hurricane Harvey which left residents without water for more than a week.
The Pine Street project includes a new pump station and pipe along Pine Street to ensure water supply is available to residents in the event of another natural disaster like Harvey that rained 62”of flood waters into the existing pumping stations.
This project along with others scoped by Beaumont with Freese and Nichols are the reduce the risk that future flooding events will have on water supply to residents.
According to the plans, the new pump station would provide 30 million gallons of raw water per day. Under this plan the city would also construct 3,000 feet of tunnel to connect both pump stations and 14,000 feet of pipeline specified for Hobas Pipe along Pine Street between the new pump station and the treatment plant.
Learn more about how Hobas Pipe can support your city’s water supply projects.