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Manholes – Hobas Pipe Structural Manhole System

Manholes – Hobas Pipe Structural Manhole System

New Brochure – Structural Manhole System Fiberglass Reinforced Watertight Structural Manhole System HOBAS Tee Base with Riser Section To meet your project design requirements, a new HOBAS tee basemanhole system is available with added features and size options. Read...
Washington DC 126 inch Hobas Jacking Pipe [Video]

Washington DC 126 inch Hobas Jacking Pipe [Video]

Project Name: “Mt. Olivet Adit Tunnel for the Northeast Boundary Tunnel DC Water Clean Rivers” The Mt. Olivet Adit Tunnel is part of DC’s ongoing program to reduce combined sewer overflows into the districts waterway. The massive project includes...